Bad Faith Insurance Disputes | The Gold Law Firm [2018]
![Bad Faith Insurance Disputes | The Gold Law Firm [2018]](
Insurance is a very unique and important
product, that's probably the only product out there that we all purchase hoping
that we're never going to have to use it. The insurance companies are aware, they
hire actuaries that can actually predict how frequently these accidents will
happen. We buy their product not thinking that we're ever gonna have to use it but
it helps us sleep at night knowing that if something were to happen, or did
happen, that you know, thank God, at least we have that insurance policy. That's
what's so important about insurance, is that it be there to respond in those
situations where someone needs them. And that's why at the insurance coverage and bad faith department at the Gold Law Firm what we focus on is understanding
these policy coverages. Because 9 times out of 10, an insurance company can find some language in the policy somewhere to support either not paying,
or devaluing the claim. And sometimes they will write provisions
that they know are against the law but they will write them anyway, and you know
use them down the road with someone who doesn't understand that they're against
the law, who wouldn't be expected to understand it.
What we understand here
at the Gold Law Firm is that just because an insurance company can write
an exclusion doesn't mean that under the law it can enforce that exclusion. And
that's why it's important if you've had any sort of claim denied, whether
it's a health insurance claim or an automobile claim, life insurance, title
insurance, that you contact us. Because we understand the importance of the nuances
that exist when interpreting an insurance policy, and bad faith cases generally, and it's that understanding that enables us to achieve
results that far exceed the results of our peers..
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